Sushi is probably the first food which comes to our mind when we think of Japanese cuisine. Now sushi is more or less a fast-food dish which has catered to the theater-goers as well as passers-by. Most of the people do not know that the sushi means vinegar rice and not raw fish. In fact, it is with raw seafood, cooked eel and fresh cucumbers and it has the vinegar sushi rice which we all like. If you are interested in the uncooked fish alone, do not worry - ask simply for sashimi.
More facts about sushi
Japanese sushi is so varied that it comes in different shapes as well as forms. An interesting factor is that, you do not see sushi in rolls like Maki often in a sushi restaurant in Japan as you would see in any Western sushi joints. Japan expects to have Nigiri sushi, which is a hand-formed rice chunk, with fish or vegetable toppings aong with wasabi seasoning and other toppings too. An interesting piece of information is that the Nigiri sushi has evolved from a well known street food where fish as well as rice were pressed down into the bamboo box.
Why make sushi at home?
Different types of sushi come in different prices. Overall, sushi is very expensive compared to other dishes. Today, you will have to pay a huge rate for a 3-star restaurant experience for 20 sushi pieces at any famous fine dining bars and restaurants in the world. So if you want to avoid spending so much money on your favorite sushi, prepare them on your own at home. You can get the recipe for your favorite sushi by surfing the internet. All that you need to do is follow the step by step instructions provided in the recipe. Surprise your dear ones with your new found talent.
More facts about sushi
Japanese sushi is so varied that it comes in different shapes as well as forms. An interesting factor is that, you do not see sushi in rolls like Maki often in a sushi restaurant in Japan as you would see in any Western sushi joints. Japan expects to have Nigiri sushi, which is a hand-formed rice chunk, with fish or vegetable toppings aong with wasabi seasoning and other toppings too. An interesting piece of information is that the Nigiri sushi has evolved from a well known street food where fish as well as rice were pressed down into the bamboo box.
Why make sushi at home?
Different types of sushi come in different prices. Overall, sushi is very expensive compared to other dishes. Today, you will have to pay a huge rate for a 3-star restaurant experience for 20 sushi pieces at any famous fine dining bars and restaurants in the world. So if you want to avoid spending so much money on your favorite sushi, prepare them on your own at home. You can get the recipe for your favorite sushi by surfing the internet. All that you need to do is follow the step by step instructions provided in the recipe. Surprise your dear ones with your new found talent.